Unwanted Hair

Why is IPL the best way of removing unwanted hair?

IPL or intense pulse light hair removal treatment is the very latest technique in hair removal that gives permanent hair reduction if used in the recommended manner. 

Hair removal has long been associated with pain and discomfort particularly with techniques such as hot wax strips that yank hair from the follicles. People have long endured pain to meet the desire of hair free silky, soft and smooth skin.  However, even with techniques such as hot wax and epilators the hairs come back after a few weeks and the whole process has to be endured again, all in the name of beauty!

For some people it is more important than mere looks, because some hair especially facial hair can cause embarrassment and social discomfort and can look very unflattering so the development and introduction to the market of IPL hair removing machines has been welcomed with much enthusiasm.

IPL is harmless because it is just a high intensity light beam that it emitted at a certain wavelength – it is actually two light beams that run at the same wavelength to be technical but most of us, I think, just want to know that it works safely.

IPL is almost pain free, with the most usual description of the feeling during treatment as nothing more than feeling a “ping” or slight tightening of the skin.

IPL is also fast at removing hair growth due to the way the light beam works it can be done quickly, with two legs usually taking less than one hour.

When IPL is used once the hair is reduced by 20%, used every 4 – 6 weeks for about 4 treatments and permanent hair reduction rises to over 70% plus. This hair does not return although new hair follicles near to the area could still grow so it worth repeating the procedure as necessary.

There are no messy, smelly creams with IPL hair removal treatment, no pain and unlike other older laser treatments does not cause blistering and rashes to the skin area being treated.

If you are purchasing a machine for commercial use, they pay for themselves many times over and the bulbs inside the machine can last for many thousands of shots before they need replacing.

IPL can also be used for a range of other conditions including stretch marks where it is used in a photo-rejuvenation procedure, also spider veins for which it is very effective.  They can ease the effects of psoriasis and eczema aiding the healing process of the skin. IPL has also proved successful in the treatment of warts, acne and acne scarring. The pulsed light cleverly stimulates the cells to produce collagen which helps in the healing process for the skin.

There are some limitations – it is recommended that you don’t sunbathe for a few weeks before treatment because it may over stimulate the hair follicle and cause skin pigmentation and also it is recommended to be avoided for pregnant women and diabetics.

Overall, the introduction of IPL has brought an amazing new product to the market which treats hair growth reduction in the way clients have wanted for many years.

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